KITCHEN EVENT corporate concept in Poland
Summer team building


The motto of this event is not work alone!
In addition to work, in the life of each employee of the company, there are probably also hobbies from which he draws inspiration and strength for every day.
Even if you say: “Well, no, the hobby is not about me, I like to watch TV shows and lie on the couch,” we hasten to assure you that there are your like-minded people in your office and this is also a hobby that can grow into something more. We get together and watch series together.

Hobby Festival

The purpose of the Hobby Festival is to tell you about different options for after-school recreation, to show that there are those in the team who are interested in the same activities, and for those who have not yet found an inspiring hobby, this is an opportunity to try a lot at once.
Today we will expand your horizons!

What's in store for you?

  • hobby zones
  • master classes
  • recreation areas
  • evening program
  • atmospheric decor

Hobby zones

Hobby zones will be divided into: traditional and rare hobbies.
For a small number of guests, hobby zones can be held in the team building format.
At the entrance, we will give the guests of the event a badge with the navigation of the festival and a place where you can put a stamp on the passage of the zone.

Anyone can participate in those activities that he likes.

Employees who collect the most stamps for completing zones will receive gifts.

And for those employees who want to talk about their hobbies, we offer to act as zone curators. Did you know that Evgenia from the accounting department did aikido? And now you will learn and be able to learn a couple of tricks.

Examples of rare hobbies

Quidditch game

Any Harry Potter fan would appreciate this wonderful sport coming to life. And yes, people all over the world do play Quidditch. It's time to try this sport for you too :)
Soap or fruit carving

Everyone has probably seen ACMR with soap. In this area, you can try to cut something out of the soap yourself. Or cut shapes out of fruit.
Picture from cassette tapes

Just drawing pictures will not surprise anyone, but trying to create a work of art from cassette tapes is already something new. Need to try!
Petanque game

Another not the most popular game in our country, but it is very exciting and reckless.
yoga nidra

Well, you said that yoga is not for you? We have found a look that you will definitely like. Behind the incomprehensible name lies the most pleasant type of yoga - the practice of conscious relaxation, or just sleep.
Standing on nails

This is a fairly popular practice lately, but not everyone will dare to try, today the hour has come.

Master class options

We will set the schedule for the master classes in advance so that everyone can sign up for the kind they want to try.
Needlework master class

Guests will be able to create small souvenirs (brooches, porcelain paintings, Whoopi Pie cakes, wax candles, etc.) with their own hands under the guidance of a master and take them as a keepsake.
Big dance master class

Dance master class for all guests in the chosen style. The master class will end with a large-scale dance flash mob of employees.
Yoga master class

A joint yoga practice will help not only to relax, but also to exchange your inner energy with colleagues.
Martial arts master class

Agility, speed, resourcefulness... These and many other qualities will help to develop a master class in martial arts with a professional trainer.
Cooking class

For those who love to cook, a professional chef will conduct a culinary master class on cooking quite simple but unusual dishes.

Completion of the main part

At the end of the main part of the event, the guests will be invited to take part in the creation of a huge Flip Flop picture with the company logo.

The picture can be installed in the office, it will remind you of a great day spent in the company of colleagues.

Activation zones

Coloring wall

A boring black and white wall with a company logo, which can be turned into a bright unique photo zone by the joint efforts of employees.
Virtual graffiti

Who always wanted to paint a neighbor's fence or a school building? With virtual graffiti, everyone can bring their idea to life, and also save their own masterpiece.
Ride with the wind

All guests can take equipment to their liking (bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates) and ride with colleagues, perhaps even arrange a competition.
Team fishing

Enough fish for everyone! It's time to take the giant rods and catch as many fish as possible.
Photography zone

At the very beginning of the event, guests will receive film cameras on which they can capture all the moments of this day. After the event, the photos will be developed and given to the company.

Photozone options

Lounge area with books

A seating area filled with various books that guests can read at the event and take notes. All guests will be invited to master such a concept as “Booksharing”: bring one or more books with them to exchange them right at the event with colleagues..

Evening program

  • Host
  • DJ
  • Cover band
  • Karaoke
  • Master class in mixology
  • Show "Intuition" with actors
  • Music quiz, movie quiz - get ready music lovers and film lovers

The trick of the evening program is ghost hunting - at some point a ghost projection will appear in different corners of the site and you need to have time to photograph it, the one who managed to show the photo to the promoter and receive a prize.
Another hobby is to appear in the background - during the day you need to fit into the frame of other people's photos. The one who collects the most hits in the frame will receive a prize.