Management of Business conferences in Poland

For more than a decade, we have been expertly planning and executing conferences, seminars and forums
  • 13
    years in the market
  • 14
  • 2000+
A conference is a business event where problems and strategies in a particular industry are discussed. Conference participants exchange experiences, case studies, challenges, and seek solutions to important tasks.

Types of conferences

There are two main types:
  • Corporate conferences
    These are internal events of a company where local organizational tasks are addressed.
  • Industry-specific conferences
    Events in which representatives from one industry participate, representing various enterprises. The organizer can be a leading company in the industry. This category includes both scientific and business conferences.
What is the purpose of holding a conference?
In addition to acquiring knowledge, it is essential for the company to:
  • Confirm its status in the market
  • Expand the contact database
  • Find partners and investors
  • Acquire new customers
  • Find potential new employees

Which form of participation to choose?

  • Organizer
    Being the organizer of the conference is a clear indication of the company's leadership in the market and a demonstration of its influence in the industry.
  • Speaker
    Participating as a speaker gives a representative of the company an opportunity to showcase expertise, engage in new levels of communication with colleagues, and present products or services.
  • Participation with a promo zone
    Having a Promo Zone is an excellent way to participate in the conference, allowing the demonstration of your brand, engaging in live interactions, and collecting leads.
  • Event branding
    Branding the event with your company's logo puts it in the spotlight for conference participants, enhancing its significance and positively impacting your visibility.
Specific features of the conference organization
  • Speakers
    It is crucial to invite engaging speakers who can captivate the audience with their presentations.

  • Participants
    Carefully consider whom you invite and gather feedback from them afterward.
  • Sponsors and Partners
    Involving sponsors and partners in the conference helps address various aspects such as financial, organizational, and informational support.
  • Program
    In addition to presentations, it's essential to prepare an entertaining part, leaving room for networking and coffee breaks.
The Kitchen Event team is well acquainted with the risks and peculiarities involved in preparing and conducting conferences and will be delighted to assist you in organizing your event, handling all stages of organization.

Business conferences

View examples of conferences from our portfolio

    What awaits you at a business event?

    • 1

      Venue and date selection

      Determination of the size of the venue, date, time and place of the organization of the event.
    • 2
      Interaction with guests
      Compilation of the list of participants and distribution of invitations. Organization of transfer and meeting of guests.
    • 3
      Materials and equipment
      Technical support and design of the location. Production of printing, souvenir products, promotional stands.
    • 4


      Recruitment of staff for serving guests (when ordering a catering service for organizing a buffet table), promotional staff.
    • 5
      Program and activities
      Development of the event program. Organization of a buffet table, coffee breaks, selection of a presenter and show.
    • 6
      Photo and video
      Organization of photo and video shooting at the event

    Business events

    View case studies of business events from our portfolio
      Do you want to draw attention to your business? We will help to organize a conference or a promotional zone!
      Why you can entrust your event to us?
      It's a bargain
      The best solutions at the lowest price
      Keep within budgets

      We save your budget

      End-to-end solution
      We offer creative ideas
      Developing a comprehensive solution

      We control all stages of events


      Possible terms in 3-5 days
      Quick Adjustments

      We meet customer deadlines


      Over 12 years of experience
      Over 2000 events

      Over 90,000 satisfied guests

      We solve business problems at events
      We solve team building problems

      We create bright unforgettable shows


      We will always find something to surprise you

      We offer to choose from 3 options


      Our clients
      For 10 years, we have been working successfully with many companies, which are now our friends and good business partners!
      Meet our team

      We will manage your event at the highest level



        Her own birth has become her first event and she is unstoppable making events since then.
        Project Producer in Belarus
        It's always both intriguing and satisfying to do an impossible sort of thing.
        Always find something to improve, even if there is nothing to improve.
        Project Manager in Poland
        Knows how to find a mutual understanding even with the most demanding clients.
      KITCHEN EVENT in Poland
      st. GĘSIA, 8/205, post 31-535, Krakow, Poland
      +48 730 207 272 (Anton)
      +48 796 547 492 (Alesya)

      Kitchen Event Sp. z o. o.
      NIP : 6751768087
      We work on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00
      You can leave a request at any time
      We respond quickly during business hours
      Contact us
      We will take into account your wishes, offer concepts and make a quotation for the event
      Your data is required for quick feedback and is not shared with third parties
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