KITCHEN EVENT corporate concept in Poland

Psychological Training Online

The positive emotional and physical state of employees is the key to the successful functioning of the company. You can achieve this result with the help of psychological training.
Psychological trainings allow you to unlock the additional potential of employees, show their abilities not only for colleagues, but most importantly - for themselves.
Having looked at the usual work process and their professional skills from a new perspective, employees will discover their hidden strengths, set realistic goals and build a plan to achieve them.
Situational games, group discussions, case studies and psycho-gymnastic exercises are widely used in the training. The result of the training as a whole will be an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and the direction of development will be set.
The advantage of the online format will be maximum comfort for each participant, because they can connect to team building from anywhere (the main thing is a stable Internet), create a cozy, inviting atmosphere around them.

Online training structure

  • Welcome and introduction to the participants
  • Theme, goals and rules of the event
  • Warm up
  • Main content of the training
  • Reflection
  • Parting
exercises and practices allow you to quickly relax and get in touch, which is confirmed by a heated discussion of pressing issues during the event.
Our coaches will be happy to help anyone who has questions at the end of the training. To do this, within 2 hours after the event, you can leave your question in a Google form, after which the coach will give a personal answer. This will allow the event to reach a conclusion that will satisfy every participant.
Online team building